Are you happy now?

After pursuing happiness last week and choosing happiness this week…surely your answer is yes.   


Well – maybe it will help you to hear that many of us have a problem with the pursuit of happiness.

Most of us can’t even define it.  Those of us that can, define it differently.  Some of us define it differently on different days. 

Some of us define it, work to achieve “it”, get “it”  – only to discover that “it” didn’t make us happy or at least, not for very long.  And that makes many of us sad.  Apparently lots of us.

In 2002, Tal Ben-Shahar  offered a positive psychology class at Harvard.  He had six students.  The next year, he had 380 students.   The next time he offered it, 855 students enrolled, making it the largest class at the unversity.   The popularity has continued.  They say that “one out of every five Harvard students has lined up” to hear his lectures.  Apparently they love it! 

Even those of us who don’t go to Harvard can learn from his online course or from his book called:  Happier.

There are many good tips in the book and one of them, the most important one, is unveiled in the title.  Instead of pursuing happiness,  look for ways to be Happier.

So our Quote of the Week can be a good foundation. 

And then…for every problem or issue,  can you answer the question, “what would make you happier?”

Or for every down moment, can you think of something that would make you happier?

Might be a conversation with someone, a bike ride or a walk in the sunshine.   Maybe an apple or an ice cream cone.

 Make a list.  Tuck it inside your desk drawer.  Readily available.  So that any time you are low on morale and having a  hard time “choosing” to be happy, just choose to be happier  by sliding that desk drawer open and choosing something from your list.  


Copyright 2009 – Business Class Inc

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