Quote of the Week from Anne Frank

As a follow up to Pursuit of Happiness Week, our Quote of the Week comes from Anne Frank by way of Andy Andrews, author of The Travelers Gift: Seven Decisions That Determine Personal Success.*

In the book, each “decision” is discovered by David, who was once a successful executive, lost his job and is in a state of desperation.   After months of struggle, he finds himself on a ”journey”, during which he meets seven people, each of whom teach him a “decision” needed for success.

One of David’s ”stops” is a small room that smells of mildew and is lit by a “bare bulb hanging on a wire from the ceiling.”    He soon discovers that he is in Amsterdam, in the hideout of Anne Frank and her family.  You need to read the entire chapter (better yet – the entire book) to gain full benefit but here are three of my favorite excerpts, words of wisdom bestowed upon David by Anne Frank:

“I do not complain.  Papa says complaining is an activity just as jumping rope or listening to the radio is an activity.  One may choose to turn on the radio, and one may choose not to turn on the radio.  One may choose to complain, and one may choose not to complain.  I choose not to complain.”

“…if I ever find myself in a bad mood, I immediately make a choice to be happy.  In fact, it is the first choice I make every day.  I say out loud to my mirror, ‘Today, I will choose to be happy!”  I smile into the mirror and laugh even if I am sad.  I just say, “Ha,ha,ha,ha!’ And soon, I am happy, exactly as have chosen to be.”

“I will greet each day with laughter.  I will smile at every person I meet.  I am the possessor of a grateful spirit.  Today I will choose to be happy.”

Powerful, very memorable words.

As you can probably tell, I love this book. It’s a great gift item! In case you want to read more about it, order copies – even autographed copies – from Andy Andrews’ website.


I choose to be happy


You can use the above quote as background or wallpaper for your computer with just three clicks.

1. Click on the image above.

2. Right click on the image that appears.

3. On the pull down menu that appears, click on “set as background”.

Voila! There’s still plenty of room on the left side of the screen for all your shortcut icons.

There is also a printable version for you to post, pass and share.

130 additional quotes are available. Valuable business tools, available for free right here in our Quote Library.


If you don’t like your new wallpaper, don’t want to replace it with a quote from the Business Class Quote Library and don’t know how to get rid of it……

Go to your control panel. Select “Display”. Select “Desktop”. And then choose from the designs offered.

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