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10 Ways to Boost Morale & Productivity in October

The foundation of good morale and productivity is hiring the right people. Yes – don’t hire grumps. The people you hire must have clear roles, responsibilities, expectations and goals. And…

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10 Ideas for Left Handers Day

Left Handers Day (August 13) is a great time to celebrate and understand differences. Which could lead to new perspectives. Actually any day is a good day for this.

Whenever you do it, here are 10 ideas for helping you and your team members:

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The Joy of Independence

We crave it. We demand it. We fight for it. Freedom to do what we want. To do it our way. To do it on our own.
We resent those who keep us from it. Leaders. Managers. Parents. Why won’t they leave us alone?

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Yikes! Half the year is gone!

Here we are at mid-year already. Hopefully things are moving right along and you and your team have much to celebrate. If instead, you have a big mess on your…

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10 Important Things To Do Mid-Year

Here are 10 important things to do mid-year. For your business. For your team. For yourself.

It may be the most valuable time you spend all year. Saving you time, energy, the cost of error and duplicated efforts. Great for productivity, morale and performance – including bottom line performance.

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Lesson from Dad on Tough Times

by Jan Bolick Every time I go through a tough time, I think of my Dad and a book he gave me years ago when I was going through a…

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