I hope you aren’t in the middle of a mess. But if you are – these 10 steps will help you get a handle on morale and productivity so that you and your team can push through the middle to the end of the mess.
When in the middle of a mess:
Remember the phrase, “Everything is a mess in the middle.”
Say it out loud to yourself and any others involved in the mess. “Everything is a mess in the middle.”
- Post “Everything is a mess in the middle” on the walls, bulletins and computer screens. Get printable, postable, downloadable versions here.
Take a few deep breaths – and a break if needed.
- Tell those goons like Nervous Nellie and Panicked Polly to hush. Don’t know who they are? Read about them here (3rd paragraph below the big blue quote box).
Re-focus on the desired outcome.
Review your plan.
Make adjustments if needed.
- And then – do something. Take action to get out of the mess in the middle.
- If stuck –ask your coach for help!
Other Resources for Messes & Mid-Year: