This week’s Quick List is a companion piece to our Quote of the Week: On Paths & Trails which is a perfect segue from last week’s Quote of the Week for MLK Day. Dr. King didn’t like the path we were on – didn’t like where it was leading. He had a dream of something different and better. And so he got off the path. And he left a trail.
There are certainly times that it is more efficient, more logical to follow a path that’s already in place. And then there are other times….
Yesterday we asked the question: “When do you think it’s a good idea to get off the current path to forge a new trail?”
And we promised to post a few ideas on this in: “10 Times To Get Off the Path”.
“The path” may be a goal, a process, a task, a plan, a way of life, a way of doing business, an attitude, a behavior …most anything really.
1. You are on a path to achieve a goal….working really hard…taking lots of your time to achieve it…and through a series of questions, you realize that the goal is not in alignment with your overall purpose or mission.
2. You are pursuing a path with a new partner, associate, colleague and come home every day complaining about how hard it is…how difficult it is to work with this person. It seems that your views about how to do business are polar opposites.
3. You are working in your business without a plan. You feel like a pin ball – bouncing all over the place. Going nowhere.
4. You made a business plan and established metrics. A year has gone by and you are not achieving your metrics.
5. You are performing a task that you have done for a long time and through a series of questions, determine that the task is no longer needed.
6. Your team is low on morale and productivity. You are keeping your eye on them. They know you are watching. But nothing is changing.
7. You have staff meetings every week and they are awful. People are edgy. People roll their eyes. Why bother?
8. You set goals and deadlines but no one ever makes them.
9. You are losing business to a competitor.
10. You dread going to work.
“Getting off the path” doesn’t mean you have to quit or fire people.
It just means stopping, being aware that you don’t like the path, what you don’t like about it and what you’d like instead.
From there, you may need to speak with a colleague or coach about how to get what you want.
Do that and you will your own boost morale, productivity and overall performance.
Creating a trail that others will likely want to follow.
Would you like some help with this?
Tell us about you and your situation here.
Jan is a coach, speaker and writer.
Her specialty as a coach is working with leaders to take charge in more effective ways, make things happen and inspire others to do the same.
Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Learn more here.
*Note: 10 by 10 on Tuesday (also know as a Quick List) is a weekly feature is for managers who don’t have time or don’t want to make time to read lengthy articles or even short paragraphs. Here you will find 10 tips or questions or steps or ways to Get 2 Goal or Be a Better Manager, etc). And it will be posted by 10 (AM – EST) on Tuesdays. Here’s our collection of Quick Lists to date.
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