Ten days into the new year, it’s not unusual for those shiny new goals to already seem a bit tarnished.
Tarnished by too many other things to do. Too little time. Too little energy.
Before beating yourself up or jumping ship, ask yourself 5 questions.
Your answers will help you define your motive, the root word of “motivation”. If you find no motive, dump the idea before you waste another minute feeling guilty about making no progress. And if you do find motive… it can provide the long lasting fuel needed to push through the tough tarnished spots.
Here’s a real life example. Sally wanted to increase sales by 20%.
I asked her Why 5:
1. Why do you want to increase sales by 20%?
Sally: So I can increase my own income by 20%.
2. Why is that important to you?
Sally: So I can pay for Suzie to go to college.
3. Why is that important to you?
Sally: Because I think a college education is critical and I don’t want her to incur loans the way I did.
4. Why is that important to you?
Sally: Because it took me 15 years to pay off my loans and I don’t want her to have to do that.
5. And why is that important to you?
Sally: Because I love her more than anything on this earth.
Ah – now this sounds like a keeper.
This is the kind of motive that can provide the strength and tenacity needed to find the how when we feel there is just no way.
That point where we might otherwise say: “Oh well. I didn’t really want that anyway.”
Use this tool for yourself.
Use it to coach those on your team.
Use it early, often and late.
To be a better manager.
To boost morale and productivity.
To get 2 goal.
Why 5.
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