10 things to capture before year end

Ever feel like you deal with the same mistakes and problems over and over again?  Ever feel like you wrestle with the same decisions over and over again?  Maybe even bounce back and forth between the same solutions which curiously seem to fail over and over?   Such a WASTE of time.

It’s enough to drive morale and productivity into the dirt, people out the door and the bottom line into the red zone.

Much of this could be avoided with mindful preservation of institutional memory.

Whether you are a team of one or many, STOP, reflect and capture key pieces of information about 2010.

It is VERY had to do this, but critical to do at least annually.

1.  What went well in 2010?  Spend lots of time on this one.  Very clarifying.  See Quote of the Week: for creating vision.

2.  What didn’t go well in 2010?

3.  What big decisions were made?  For what reason?  Who decided?  How?  Why were they made?

4.  What big budget “discoveries” did you make?

5.   What mistakes were made and what did you learn from them?

6.  What good things came from the mistakes?

7.  What is being done to prevent recurrence of these mistakes?

8.   What will you do the same in 2011?

9.  What will you do differently in 2011?

10.  What will you STOP doing in 2011?

Set aside time for this review.   Give heavy emphasis to #1.   Take lots of notes.  Then set them aside.  But keep them close though because your brain will keep coming up with more things to add.

For an even more comprehensive preservation of memory, ask for help.  Getting “the team” involved in this discussion usually results in boosts of both morale and productivity – now and later.   If you are a solo practioner, you could ask colleagues, vendors or friends to help you.

However you do it, be sure to compile your notes and keep them with other business documents that you review frequently.

Review the list with  your coach at least quarterly.

Do the same with your team.

By doing so, you pave the way for a smoother ride in 2011.

Jan helps leaders take charge, make things happen and inspire others to do the same.  More info on Jan.

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