Here is a piece I received it from a sales manager who had received it from a sales manager who had received it from a sales manager…all of whom wanted to reinforce the importance of advertising frequency.
The publication name not noted. We are researching that now. But we do have the publication date. Read this first and see if you can guess the date.
Why frequency?
The first time a man looks at an advertisement, he does not see it.
The second time he does not notice it.
The third time he is conscious of its existence.
The fourth time he faintly remembers having seen it before.
The fifth time he reads the ad.
The sixth time he throws his nose at it.
The seventh time he reads it through and says, “Oh, Brother!”
The eighth time he says, “There’s that confounded thing again!”
The ninth time he wonders if it amounts to anything.
The tenth time he will ask his neighbor if he has tried it.
The eleventh time he wonders how the advertiser makes it pay.
The twelfth time he thinks it must be a good thing.
The thirteenth time he thinks perhaps it might be worth something.
The fourteenth time he remembers that he has wanted such a thing for a long time.
The fifteenth time he is tantalized because he cannot afford to buy it.
The sixteenth time he thinks he will buy it some day.
The seventeenth time he makes a memorandum of it.
The eighteenth time he swears at his poverty.
The nineteenth time he counts his money carefully.
The twentieth time he sees it, he buys the article or instructs his wife to do so.
Publication date?