April Showers brought May flowers.
Maybe a little kudzu too.
Now is a good time to cut it – before it takes over everything. Not just your space but your time and energy and sometimes even your good humor.
You know. Things like stacks of newspapers, magazines, mail, bills, etc.
Attack them today.
If you can’t toss them, make places for them. Baskets or stackable trays are great for this – a basket for unread newspapers; a basket for unread magazines; a basket for bills; another for other important mail; another for junk mail; or if it’s truly junk mail, toss it in the trash or recycle bin before it even gets into your office or house.
Make a deal with yourself that if the basket of unread magazines gets full, you’ll cancel or won’t renew the subscriptions. Unless of course, your child is now selling magazine subscriptions. And then how about subscribing in the name of a local hospital or non-profit?
All of these ideas help you clear out the kudzu and control its future growth.
Leaving space, time and energy and brainpower for other things – or nothing.
C’mon. Lets go cut the kudzu.
copyright 2008 – Jan Bolick, Business Class Inc