“No brainer” means no thought, no analysis is needed.
So No Brainer Day (February 27) is devoted to simple stuff. Easy things that require no thought.
Perhaps you have a long list of things you’ve been needing to do. What about devoting your day to all the no brainers checked off your list.
If the same list has been hanging around for a while, perhaps the no brainer is that you need to find some help.
Or – if your team has been stuck in a stalemate for a while about how to proceed on something…what if you have a “no brainer” meeting during which you make a list of the steps or elements of the project that are “no brainers”. Perhaps this bit of agreement could move the group (and the project) forward. What could you lose by trying?
However you choose to celebrate, it seems like a no brainer to celebrate No Brainer Day.
Who knows, morale and productivity might get a boost in the process.
Want to do even more of that? Find some more occasions to celebrate right here.
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