This week’s Quick List is a follow up to our recent Quotes of the Week on the joys and enemies of independence…and hints at next week’s quote.
Independence can come with all sorts of negative consequences. This list is about finding the more joyful side.
It’s for you if you find yourself wishing that:
- you had more freedom at work.
- others on your team would take more initiative, work more independently (i.e. depend on you less).
- you could leave work, feeling free, not worried whether things are going okay without you.
Here are 10 tips for finding the more joyful side of independence which will most certainly lead to improved morale, productivity and overall performance.
1. Remember this week’s quote:
Much freedom is there for the taking if we just open our eyes, look for it and take it or request it.
2. Let this quote be a reminder of our own personal responsibility for taking ownership of freedom:
3. Having said all of that, I have an addendum for the quote in #1:
The greatest enemy of individual freedom is the individual himself….
and sometimes his leader.
Saul Alinsky/ Jan Bolick
I know. It sounds hypocritical. But I see it as a two-pronged issue. Many people feel trapped by other people and situations and make no effort to do anything about it. And in doing so, often make the trap more confining that it actually is. Realizing that and being willing to take responsibility is the first step.
The second prong is about leaders, who often keep people in traps without even realizing it, often while thinking they are being helpful.
I offer this quote as a motivational reminder to do something about that second prong, followed by six specific things leaders can do to avoid being an enemy of independence.
4. Leaders can set the tone for independence and efficiency with something as simple as having designated “homes” for tools that everyone needs. Tools like: forms, scissors, the stapler, tape, the hammer and a first aid kit.
5. Leaders can invite people to explore and discover on their own by sending new employees on scavenger hunts instead of office tours. The hunt gets them working independently right away to find tools that will enable them to continue working independently in the future. Here’s a sample.
6. While some people think checklists stifle independence and creativity, I have found they allow for more of both. Why use time and energy remembering all the things needed for facilitating a management retreat, when I can consult a checklist? That frees my brain to create ways to connect uniquely with these particular participants in their particular industry.
7. What if you are getting lots of visitors, phone calls, reports, memos, e-mails – so many that you can’t handle them all and still make your goals at home and at work – BUT it’s not as easy as making a checklist for your assistant? What then? Try consolidating communication.
8. When a staff member comes to you with a problem and wants to know how to handle it, ask a question like, “Well Jane, what are your ideas for how to handle it?” After a round or two or three of this, you AND she will feel comfortable about her handling the situation without you.
9. Whenever possible, provide hands on practice for emergency situations. Reading what to do is good. Doing it is even better. Reading and doing is better still for building skill and confidence – leading to greater independence so that when things do go wrong, people and their organizations aren’t left stranded.
10. As a reinforcement for many of the items above…
While people may get frustrated while figuring out the puzzle…they will not only remember how they solved it…they will also very likely gain confidence which tends to boost morale, productivity, engagement and overall performance.
There will still be some bumps. Maybe even some roadblocks. But the potential rewards are so great for so many:
* Your staff members will become more competent
* and more self-confident.
* They will also become more confident in you
* and your leadership.
* Morale will improve.
* Your customers will get better answers
* quicker.
* You will have more time to focus on your priorities
* meaning you will have a greater opportunity to achieve the results you want.
P.S. If stuck –ask your coach for help!
Jan Bolick, the author of this article, works with leaders to boost morale, productivity, engagement and overall performance so that they and their teams make their individual and corporate goals.
This weekly feature is for managers who don’t have time or don’t want to make time to read lengthy articles or even short paragraphs. We call it a Quick List. AKA – 10 by 10 on Tuesday. 10 ( ideas or tips or questions or steps or ways to Get 2 Goal or Be a Better Manager, etc) by 10 (AM – EST) on Tuesdays. Click here if you’d like to see all Quick Lists created to date.
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